Feminine Rejuvenation & Wellness

Are You a Good Candidate for Feminine Rejuvenation?

Are You a Good Candidate for Feminine Rejuvenation?

Many factors, including age, childbirth, trauma and hormones, can affect a women’s genital tissue, which could directly impact her quality of life. Fortunately, women have numerous options for gynecological treatments, including feminine rejuvenation. This procedure helps improve the appearance below the waist, reducing bothersome symptoms and restoring the vagina after childbirth.

Learn more about feminine rejuvenation below, how it works and if you’d make a good candidate for the procedure!

What Is Feminine Rejuvenation?

Some women experience issues with the laxity of their vaginal openings and walls, decreasing sexual satisfaction and making it challenging to use tampons or sexual devices. This can be a frustrating and discouraging experience.

As a solution, feminine or vaginal rejuvenation is a procedure that can tighten, reshape or reduce vaginal tissue to restore a firmer tone and a youthful or symmetrical appearance. There are many reasons a person might choose feminine rejuvenation, including improving comfort or alleviating issues caused by loose vaginal tissue that limits sexual gratification or causes pain. The procedure can help improve a patient’s quality of life, self-confidence and sexual experiences.

Individuals can choose between surgical and non-surgical options for vaginal rejuvenation, giving them more control over the procedure and recovery.

How Does Vaginal Rejuvenation Work?

This process works differently depending on whether you choose the surgical or non-surgical option.

The non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation treatment option relies on lasers, which use gentle heat to target vaginal tissue. The heat helps stimulate collagen production, which helps tighten different vaginal areas. A key benefit of non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation is there’s often no downtime associated with the procedure, so you can continue your regular activities as the vagina slowly improves as your body makes more collagen.

Other benefits of the non-surgical option include:

  • Shorter treatment times, usually around 15 minutes each session
  • Significant improvements after one to two days with continuous improvement as days pass
  • Results can last as long as one year before another treatment is necessary

The surgical options vary depending on what area you’re attempting to treat and can include:

  • Vaginoplasty: This procedure reconstructs or repairs the vagina, typically after childbirth, radiation treatment or congenital abnormalities
  • Labiaplasty: This procedure reduces the labia’s size.
  • Vulvoplasty: This procedure reshapes the outer parts of the vagina.
  • Clitoral hood reduction: This procedure eliminates excess tissue that resides over the clitoris, which can help improve sexual sensations and gratification. This procedure can also alleviate discomfort.
  • Mons pubis reduction: This procedure removes excess skin or fat surrounding the mons pubis, which can help create a streamlined appearance in the pelvic region.

If you choose the surgical option, keep in mind you’ll have to care for your body during your recovery. Many people are on bed rest for the first day or two after the procedure, and you may have a short stay in the hospital afterward. There may be an at-home recovery time of up to six weeks, depending on the type and depth of your procedure.

Once you get home from the surgery, you’ll need to drink plenty of water and eat healthy to help your body heal. Only engage in gentle physical activity, such as short 10-minute walks a few times a day. Additionally, your physician will prescribe you medication for pain management, so remember not to drive or drink alcohol while taking it.

The surgery option also means you’ll have to take some time off work or school. Ensure you have plans to accommodate your needs. As you recover, you can gradually increase activities, but remember to go slow, so you don’t push your body beyond its limits.

All treatment options will help improve overall vaginal health, but some target specific areas for unique issues or concerns. Talk with your doctor about what option is best for you.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Feminine Rejuvenation?

There’s no age limit for feminine rejuvenation, so women of all ages can be patients, though the treatments are most popular for women 20-60 years of age. Most women are safe receiving feminine rejuvenation, and nearly all women are good candidates for the procedure, whether for cosmetic reasons or to improve different symptoms.

Those who need feminine rejuvenation and are good candidates include:

  • Women with stretched or altered genitals resulting from childbirth
  • Women who experience pain during sex or other physical activities, such as horseback riding or riding a bike
  • Women with sagging structures in their vaginas
  • Women with congenital deformities
  • Women who want to improve the appearance of their vaginas

People who shouldn’t consider vaginal rejuvenation treatment are those who are pregnant or are considering having more children, as childbirth can affect the vagina’s appearance, requiring additional treatment. Once you’ve decided to stop growing your family, you’ll be an excellent candidate for feminine rejuvenation!

When Is Vaginal Rejuvenation Treatment Necessary?

Some people utilize vaginal rejuvenation for cosmetic reasons, improving the appearance of the vagina for a more youthful or healthy look. Getting vaginal rejuvenation can improve pelvic floor incontinence in individuals who have undergone childbirth.

Other people need vaginal rejuvenation due to different symptoms, or their vulva and vagina shape interferes with their quality of life. For example, a person with a longer labia may have to be careful whenever they sit down to prevent pain. Additionally, they may need to be careful during sex to avoid their labia being pushed inside their vagina.

Some vaginal problems occur with age as the body produces less estrogen and moves into menopause. The vaginal rejuvenation procedure can help women find relief from their menopausal symptoms, allowing them to continue to live a regular life.

Additional reasons or symptoms that cause people to seek out vaginal rejuvenation include:

  • Vaginal dryness
  • Loss of sexual sensations or pain during intercourse
  • Bladder incontinence
  • Gender reassignment
  • Decreased natural lubrication
  • Increased inflammation

Improve Your Vaginal Health With U First Health & Rejuvenation

U First Health & Rejuvenation offers laser and surgical vaginal rejuvenation services to help improve your vagina’s appearance and reduce symptoms that cause pain, discomfort, limited sensations or bladder incontinence. Dr. Anne Lord-Tomas is in charge of our feminine rejuvenation practices, and her 20 years of experience gives her the knowledge and skills to help improve your quality of life.

We offer below-the-waist procedures and bio-identical hormone therapy to help restore balance to your vaginal area. You’ll work closely with Dr. Anne to create a treatment plan that addresses your needs and suits your lifestyle, helping you become the best version of yourself. Schedule a free consultation today to learn more about how we can help!